Friday, July 24, 2009

Plastic Up Her Nose

Abbigail thought it would be nice to shove a small piece of plastic up her nose. It was a white plastic piece from one of those pencils that has 10 of them inside of it, and when the lead is dull, you move it to the top and down pops another one. Luckily this one did not have lead in it, but I'm still not sure where she found it. I thought I had thrown away all of those pencils and pieces since I was sick of finding them everywhere. I do believe that it may have been at the bottom of the crayon box, which she dumped all over the floor yesterday.

She was in the other room with the kids while I was making dinner and she started to cry. I assumed that the kids had done something to her, so I went in to check on her. She stuck her finger up her nose and I told Jeremy that she was getting tired (she tends to pick her nose when it's bedtime, don't ask me why), since she hadn't taken a nap. She continued to whine and I asked her if she wanted to go see the baby kitties. Once again she touched the outside of her nose and whined. I decided to look to see what was the matter, and there it was, a piece of white plastic. I freaked out and started looking for tweezers. when I cleaned the bathroom on Saturday I was sure I had found several pairs, but in my panic moment I could find none. Jeremy ended up finding a very small pair of scissors and thankfully got it out (all while I was searching for tweezers)

After it was removed she wanted to go find her tiny baby kitties...

Every morning she wakes up to find the baby kitties. This morning they were not in the closet they were the night before, so she went and looked in the boys' closet, but no baby kitties. She finally found them under our bed. Abbigail-- being the animal lover she is -- decided that the Mama Kitty needed some food, and put her food bowl under the bed with her. She also brought her almost empty bowl of water into the kitchen so that I could fill it up with fresh water.

We are going to have to lift the bed again and pull the kitties out so she can see them. She can't wait until they are big enough that she can hold them!

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