Monday, January 18, 2010

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


After we went to Sear's for Family Pictures Take 2, we went out to pizza with Jeremy's brother, son and girlfriend.

Abbigail felt like Blake needed more to eat and she kept handing him more spuds, but he doesn't have a very good pincher grasp. I guess some times I forget how advanced Abbigail is. As soon as she started eating, I couldn't feed her, she had to do it herself. She never really ate baby food, since that was something *I* had to give to her, she went straight to finger foods. She has the fine motor skills to do so though, she had a great pincher grasp.


Abbigail saw Santa yesterday. We walked by and there was NO LINE! I asked her if she wanted to see Santa and she said yes. I wasn't going to force her if she didn't want to. The lady asked if we wanted to get pictures and I said possibly, if she cooperated. I wasn't going to pay $20 for a picture if she wasn't happy. I couldn't believe how much they wanted for pictures either! I don't know what the Santa-etiquette is... if I could have just pulled out my camera and snapped a picture or not.

She wasn't having it though, the lady was pushy and I really don't blame her for not wanting to talk to some strange guy in a red suit. The lady then convinced me to sit on Santa's lap with her to take a picture. She also tried to get Jeremy to but there was no way in hell going to do it.

The picture was ehhh... not bad, I'd prefer not to be in it, and I really didn't want to pay $20 bucks for some silly picture. I guess now I can say we did it. My Mom kept bothering me about it and I told her I wasn't going to do anything she didn't want to. She was fine the whole time in line until we got right there.

She did persuade me to put .75 cents into the Arthur bus, for a full minute of fun. She was a pretty decent shopper, only whined a few times.

From Drop Box


Abbigail and her kitty cat sleeping together last night. It was so funny, I woke up and the cat was laying like a person, on her back with her paws up in the air, all cuddled up to Abbigail. It was so cute.

Here's a picture from before bed when they were laying together on the couch:

From December 2009


My night last night consisted of dealing with Abbigail throwing up over and over again. Jeremy made her a milk bottle and laid her on the couch. A little while after she went to sleep, she woke up puking everywhere. YUCK! I don't do puke real well, luckily Jeremy does. Poor little girl was sooo tired she didn't even want to sit up to finish puking. She kept trying to lay back down and swallow her puke YUCK!!!!

After this incident, I believe she puked 4 or 5 more times. We left her on the couch, and I slept on the living room floor which killed my back. At one point, she was on the floor next to me and woke up puking again. Got that cleaned up, and woke up a few hours later and I decided to move to bed. I took her with me, laying blankets and towels out. She ended up puking again, once in my hands, since she dirtied all the towels. Catching throw-up in my hands, is not fun!

She's been fine today though. Except for saying I'm going to puke, and then pretending to throw up. The first time I thought she was serious, so I brought her a puke bucket, but every time we go to do something today, she tells me to hold on she has to puke.

No more MILK for HER!!!!


Abbigail was playing on her little laptop today and she told me she was "farming her cows". I guess she's been watching me play too much Farmville.


This morning Abbigail was nursing her Elmo doll. She unzipped her jammies and put Elmo against her chest. It's really odd some of the things she comes up with. She hasn't nursed in almost a year, but still must have memories of it. The last time Jeremy's brother was here with his son, Abbigail saw him nursing.

It amazes me the things that she remembers. Like today she was looking at a book with pictures of kittens in it. She saw a picture with an all gray kitten in it, and she said "That's like the cats Grandma had the other day" She remembered back to this summer when my Grandma's cat had kittens for a second time.


Abbigail is such a little smarty pants, she amazes me and cracks me up everyday!

Today we went out to feed the cats (our cat had kittens and we couldn't find anyone to take them and the mama wouldn't stop pissing on the floor so she and 4 of the babies live outside, Calli lives inside, she freaked when I put her outside). Abbigail went and pet each cat and I asked her how many cats there were and she said "one, two, three, four, five, six; six cats" Which was correct

While we were in Walgreens today, my Mom asked her how many trees there were and she pointed to each of them without saying anything and then she looked at my Mom and said "There's 3 trees" which was also correct.

She also was trying to get everyone in Walgreens to buy candy. We were in the candy aisle and she kept saying "you want some candy" to everyone that walked by. My usually shy girl was very outgoing today, unless someone talked to her first.

We got home and I put some of this eczema cream on her leg I bought at Walgreens. Her leg has started to look really bad lately. Well I guess before this we had just got home and her Uncle Steven was here and she decided to be shy. I sat her on the table while I unloaded the groceries and somehow she fell off the table, knocking the chair over with her on her way down. She was upset so I decided to put the medicine on her and get her ready for bed, she looked at me and told me she was tired. She knew it, I knew it. She woke up at 7.

She started crying more after I put the medicine on her, I don't know if it stung or if she was just tired. she said she wanted her other lotion on it. I had Jeremy give me the neosporin and told her to lift her leg so I could put it on. She lifted her "good" leg. I told her no it was her other leg and she insisted I put it on her "good" leg. I did and she stopped crying right away.

It was odd, but whatever makes her happy.


From December 2009

Abbigail knows how to pedal her little Barbie Trike my brother got her for her 2nd birthday!

I think this mostly means that her legs are now long enough to reach the pedals.

I just randomly looked over and saw her pedaling around the room.

So Yay! for her